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Do's And Don'ts When Watering Tomatoes

Do's And Don'ts When Watering Tomatoes
image via freepik

Do's And Don'ts When Watering Tomatoes

With so many areas involved with caring for plants, you would think watering tomatoes would be among the easiest. Just how hard could it be? You turn on the hose, point it, and cut loose. Right? 

The truth is that is not accurate. We won't brand watering tomatoes as being difficult because that is not accurate either, but it's entirely possible to do your watering improperly. The consequences of this can be catastrophic.

Here are three things to do when watering tomatoes: 

Check Your Moisture Content Consistently - This can be a crucial part of your routine when caring for tomato plants. A lot of the issues you can run into will be avoided altogether if you consistently check the moisture content around your plants. This needs to be done about every couple of days. It only takes around five minutes and saves many headaches and the lives of many plants. 

Use Mulch - The evaporation of water causes problems. This can lead to dehydration and plants thrive on moisture. Set some mulch down at the base of your plants. This helps to relieve this problem along with soil splash and heat retention. 

Use Rainwater When Possible - Tap water usually has high chlorine content. It just isn't good for your plants. Rainwater, on the other hand, has many beneficial ions in it that assists with protein synthesis and other things. You can leave buckets out to help catch rainwater. This is easy and healthy for your plants. 

Some things we should not do when watering tomatoes: 

Overwater - Tomatoes do love a moist environment. However, they don't fare well in a swimming pool. If you want to kill your tomatoes then overwater them. Plant roots get oxygen from the soil. Waterlogged soil contains built-up carbon dioxide that quickly causes the suffocation of your plants. You could lose them within a week. 

Substitute Other Things For Water - Never replace your water with soft drinks, fruit juices, or anything else that you might see suggested online or anywhere. The reason plants need actual water is because it plays a crucial role in their metabolism. It also affects their nutrient intake abilities and internal cell structure. 

Juices and soft drinks are 'foods' and are unable to help in these areas. They can also harm your plants by affecting the PH of your soil with the high sugar content they have. This can lead to many bacterial issues in your soil along with attracting many unwanted and unpleasant pests. 

Use Hard Water Pressure - Pressure washers are for cleaning walls and driveways. Watering your plants requires a drip hose. This helps to soak down your plants without belting them one. You also avoid spraying soil up onto your leaves. This leads to disease from pathogens residing in your soil. 

Forget or neglect to water - This might sound silly as a reminder but it truly is one of the things that happens the most. It creates huge problems for gardeners. Watering tomatoes irregularly enable the roots to dry up. It also causes the stem to overcompensate for this. You can wind up with stunted growth and cracking fruits.