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5 Eco-Friendly Ways to Build a Home

5 Eco-Friendly Ways to Build a Home
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5 Eco-Friendly Ways to Build a Home - Listed in this article you will find helpful information in regards to 5 eco-friendly ways to build a home. 

There are quite a few homeowners that are actually surprised at the ecological factors and the amount of money that can be saved by only making a few small changes to the design of their home.

1. Eco-friendly septic tanks

If you are building a new home or you are making plans to replace the current septic tank in your home, there are several advantages to selecting eco-friendly septic tanks. With these tanks the worry of waste seepage both in and out of the tank is completely eliminated. 

This is one of the 5 eco-friendly ways to build a home that is a huge help to the environment, as leakage of waste from septic tank systems poses a tremendous issue environmentally. 

One of the biggest benefits in many designs of these systems is they conveniently turn the waste water coming from your home into water that can be used on your lawn or garden through irrigation. This in turn helps a homeowner save thousands of gallons of fresh clean water that would otherwise have to be used to water lawns, vegetable and flower gardens. 

With the use of eco-friendly septic tank systems it also ensures that homeowners no longer have to fuss with the pungent odor of septic tank smells. To find the best product for your needs, visit and make an informed decision!

2. Use Fluorescent Lighting Fixtures

The amount of energy that a household can save when they make the decision to use fluorescent lighting over the regular type of light bulbs is unbelievable. As a matter of fact, just the use of one fluorescent light bulb only uses one-quarter the amount of energy that is required when a regular light bulb is used. 

One of the reasons that so much energy can be saved when homeowners use fluorescent lighting is fluorescent bulbs only use very small amounts of mercury. Additional tips to save energy include the installation of dimmer switches and timers. The use of solar power energy is also a great idea as well.

3. Choose House Paint Wisely

There is a wide variety of different types of finishes and paints that can be very hazardous to pets and family members inside a home. This is simply because many of them contain high levels of VOC (volatile organic compounds). 

Things like gasoline that a vehicle runs on and fingernail polish remover that is commonly used to remove nail polish contain compounds that are much like the VOC that can be found in paints. The problem with these compounds is they are harmful to a person’s health and they pollute the air we breathe. 

Purchasing natural paints or those containing a low level of VOC is one eco-friendly way to build a home that can help to maintain good health of all family members.

4. Install Water-Efficient Faucets and Showerheads

When cheap faucets and showerheads are used, it does not generally take long at all before they will slowly begin to start leaking. What many homeowners aren’t aware of is as much as 160 gallons of water can be wasted just by having one faucet in the home that leaks a drop of water every second. 

Just imagine how much extra money that would be wasted on monthly water bills in a home that has two or three faucets that have a slow leak. This is a problem that can be eliminated before it starts by taking the time to install faucets and showerheads that are water-efficient.

5. Choose Energy-Efficient Appliances

A vital part of saving money and energy at the same time involves purchasing appliances that are energy efficient. Out of the 5 eco-friendly ways that are listed, this is perhaps one of the most important. 

This is because the appliances that are in our homes are items that are used every single day and in most homes they are used quite a few times each and every day. By taking the time to select appliances that are energy efficient, homeowners are not only taking steps to save themselves a considerable amount of money but they also doing their part to conserve energy.