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Home Sweet Home: 5 Tips on Decorating Your First House

Home Sweet Home: 5 Tips on Decorating Your First House

As stressful as it can be to buy your first home, from having to document every cent in your bank account to the actual hunt itself, it is also one of the more exciting times in life. You have put down roots somewhere. It may be the place where you plan to build a family with your partner. 

It is a space all your own, your sanctuary from the outside world. It is important to create a space that makes you feel a good, one in which you want to spend time. The task of decorating it is fun, but can seem a bit overwhelming if you are starting from scratch. Here are some helpful  interior design hints for the first-time home owner.

Look for Inspiration

If you are not sure about your exact style, look at magazines and online for inspiration and ideas. Most of us have a pretty good idea of what we don’t want when it comes to our interior design preferences, but are less clear on what we do like. There are so many ways to design your home, and if you don’t have a clear vision, do some research to hone it.

Don’t Feel the Need to Buy Everything at Once

When you first start out, you may feel tempted to furnish each room fully and completely at the outset. It is understandable—you are excited about your new home and want everything to be perfect immediately. 

But, it is really not necessary, and could end up being a costly mistake. Give yourself a bit of time in the space to get an idea of how you may want to decorate it, how you will be using the various rooms. This will help you spend your money more wisely. It will relieve some of the pressure to get everything done yesterday. 

Also, it can help you create the home you truly want. If you focus on really doing up one room at a time, you can splurge on those designer window treatments for the living room, because you are not also worrying about fully outfitting the guest bedroom and your office at the same time.

Consider Buying Used Pieces

While it is nice to outfit your home with all brand-new, shiny stuff, I came across an article about people who were asked to reflect on what they might have done differently when decorating their first home. Many said they would have bought used furniture for their first go-round. 

If this is your first time decorating, you may not know your own personal style too well yet. Instead of going with more expensive brand-new furniture, opt for some used stuff that costs a fraction. Then, once you have a better idea of what you like, start making a more significant investment in your décor.  Try to save money on your interior design for the first time.

Be as Minimalist as You Can

Walking into a home goods store can be intoxicating when you are decorating your home for the first time. You may feel tempted to load up on all sorts of knick knacks, pillows, paintings and wall accents. 

But, resist the urge to fill up every inch of your home. Start off with the basics, and add these touches sparingly. Get to know the space for awhile.

Don’t Automatically Reject Offerings from Friends and Family

You may find lots of people offering all sorts of items for your new home. Carefully consider each offer, and do not just reject something outright if at first glance it does not seem right. You may be able to make some modifications to suit you. 

You might not like that fabric on the couch, but you can easily reupholster it. That table could be perfect if you just painted it a different color. Think about how you might be able to make a piece work.